Central European Workshop of Myrmecology

In perioada 8-11 septembrie, se desfășoară a 9 a ediție a workshopului de mirmecologie, Central European Workshop of Myrmecology, care reuneste specialiști mirmecologi din Europa. Lucrările vizează aspecte de faunistica, comportament, ecologie, genetică și multe aspecte fascinante ale furnicilor.

Detalii pe site: https://myrmecosromanica.wordpress.com/


Studium Oecologicum – Conferința studențească

Afis conferinta 2024

Program Studium Oecologicum 2024

Conferința studențească Studium Oecologicum, dedicată studenților cu preocupări în domeniul biologiei, ecologiei, geografiei, protecției și conservării mediului. Evenimentul va avea loc în data de 24 mai, ora 10.00, sala A12 - la Facultatea de Stiinte din Sibiu, str.dr.Ion Ratiu 5-7.


Conferință Internațională organizată de ULBS - Aquatic Biodiversity International Conference - ABIC

Aquatic Biodiversity International Conference, 20 - 24 September, 2024, Sibiu, Transylvania, Romania, European Union

The conference will aim to communicate recent advances in the aquatic biodiversity: assessment, monitoring, conservation and management, aquatic habitats - biodiversity interrelations, aquatic biodiversity and alien species, aquatic microbial ecology, food web interactions and aquatic productivity, wetlands biodiversity, research methods in aquatic ecology/biodiversity, ecologic reconstruction and the biodiversity, human impact and the aquatic biodiversity, global changes.


Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research - TRSER

Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research, Aprilie, 2024, Sibiu

Founded 1999, is an international scientific publication, edited in Sibiu, Romania, and appeared since then with the scientific, editorial and financial support of International Association for Danube Research.

It publishes original work dealing with basic aspects, particularly of ecology, systematics and related fields. All manuscripts are reviewed by a diverse board of editors and associate editors and by appropriate referees.

The views expressed in papers in Transylv. Rev. Syst. Ecol. Res. are those of their authors and do not necessarily represent those of the editors and referees. Since 2008 two volumes appeared every year. Since 2013 three volumes appeared every year.

The Aims & Scope of Transylv. Rev. Syst. Ecol. Res. deal with the worldwide publishing of original articles and reviews related to the theoretical, experimental, and applied aspects, particularly of ecology, biology, systematics, environmental sciences and related fields.

We publish high quality papers concerned to habitats, species, associations, communities, ecosystems in their natural state or under anthropogenic threats, risks, and impacts.

The published information, data, discussions, and conclusions must exceed the edges of case studies, highlight significant results using any ecological approach, and for that reason only publish papers with robust ecological messages that improve our knowledge of ecological principles, reality, and trends.


Acta Oecologica Carpatica - ACTAOC

Acta Oecologica Carpatica - Studii şi Comunicări de Ecologie şi Protecţia Mediului

Started in 1994, under the care of the Department of Ecology and Environment Protection, Faculty of Sciences, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Acta Oecologica - Studii şi Comunicări de Ecologie şi Protecţia Mediului, published a total of 14 volumes in small printing format.

The constant increasing presure from the potential authors for this publication induced the necesity of changings, through a new series Acta Oecologica Carpatica, in respect of a biger printing format and languages of the accepted materials (English - the main text, Romanian, German, French and Spanish - the abstracts).

The regular authors for this publication will find the same rigurous and also friendly aproach for collaboration and new authors are wellcome in this platform of scientific debate.

Why "Carpatica"?

The Carpathians, the largest mountain range of Europe, harbour a unique natural heritage and act as a major ecological link within this continent. The Carpathian Mountains area offer along the history a huge reservoir of different types of resources which offer a good suport including for exqcuisite cultural outputs for different human populations. The Carpathians 1500 km across the Eastern and Central Europe, with their all pericarpathians tight ecologicaly related areas, created an obvious cultural bond, which have a scientific need for a common scientific approach, for a finnal benefit for this unique natural heritage. Acta Oecologica Carpatica intend to be a part of this important approach.

The "melting" ideologic and politic borders in the present and hopefuly the future enlarged European Union will allow all these nations, with big or small national territories in the Carpathian Mountains area, to celebrate this special common natural heritage, first through scientific understanding and finally a good qualiy management and conservation.

Why a Romanian initiative in this respect?

The fact that more than a half of the Carpathian Mountains surface lay on the territory inhabited by the Romanians and their over 2000 years back ancestors including the Dacian tribe the Carpi, we think that it should be honor by these types of initiatives too.

Why not alone?

Because Carpathian Mountains are: (in the East) Carpaţi and the Romanians have to take care of them, Karpati and Serbians have to take care of them and Karpaty and the Ukrainians have to take care of them; (in the West) Karpaty and the Slovaks, Czechs and Polishs have to take care of them, Karpatok and Hungarians have to take care of them and Karpaten and Austrians have to take care of them.

With a final invitation to collaboration the editors wish success to all the contributors of this new scientific publication series!




Cupa de Schi și Snowboard a ULBS - 08.03.2025