Conferința Națională de Informatică - Programare, Comunicare, Imaginaţie, Design (PCID)

A zecea Conferinţă Naţională de Informatică Programare, Comunicare, Imaginaţie, Design (PCID), 27 aprilie 2024, SIBIU

Scopul conferinţei este de a reuni elevi din toate liceele din ţară pentru a prezenta aplicații originale realizate în cadrul următoarelor teme de interes (fără a restrânge aria tematică la acestea):

- Structuri de date în aplicaţii software

- Metode de compresie a datelor

- Algoritmi de sortare: metode şi aplicaţii

- Software educaţional

- Teoria grafurilor în probleme şi aplicaţii

- Criptografie

- Securitatea sistemelor informatice

- Dezvoltarea aplicaţiilor cu baze de date

- Procesarea imaginilor

- Proiectarea şi implementarea site-urilor Web

- Aplicaţii multimedia în educaţie, divertisment

- Aplicaţii software pentru dispozitive mobile

- Tehnici de programare

- Managementul proiectelor informatice


International Conference on Applied Informatics Imagination, Creativity, Design, Development - ICDD

Eight International Conference on Applied Informatics Imagination, Creativity, Design, Development - ICDD, 23-25 May, 2024

The conference is mainly addressed to young researchers from all over the world. The conference gives the participants the opportunity to discuss and present their research on informatics and related fields (like computational algebra, numerical calculus, bioinformatics, etc.). The conference welcomes submissions of original papers on all aspects of informatics and related fields ranging from new concepts and theoretical developments to advanced technologies and innovative applications. All submitted papers will undergo a rigorous single-blind peer review process, with each paper being assessed by a minimum of two independent experts in the relevant field. Paper acceptance and publication will be judged on the basis of their relevance to the conference topics, clarity of presentation, originality and accuracy of the results and proposed solutions. The presentation (article) has also to include a computer application. The conference will include regular presentations (20 min.), short IT Companies presentations, a session of multimedia posters and a round table.

The official language of the conference is English.

Due to the support of our sponsors, there are grants available for bachelor and master students, that cover the fee for participation to the conference. Please see the details in the Fee section.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Algorithms and data structures

- Graph theory and applications

- Formal languages and compilers

- Cryptography

- Modelling and simulation

- Computer programming

- Computer vision

- Computer graphics

- Game design

- Data mining

- Distributed computing

- Artificial Intelligence

- Service oriented applications

- Networking

- Grid computing

- Mobile operating systems

- Scientific computing

- Software engineering

- Bioinformatics

- Robotics

- Computer Architecture

- Evolutionary Computing

- Multimedia Systems

-Internet Communication and Technologies

- Web Applications



Cupa de Schi și Snowboard a ULBS - 08.03.2025