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International Conference on Applied Informatics Imagination, Creativity, Design, Development - ICDD, Sibiu
November, 4 - 6, 2021

The conference is mainly addressed to young researchers from all over the world. The conference gives the participants the opportunity to discuss and present their research on informatics and related fields (like computational algebra, numerical calculus, bioinformatics, etc.). The conference welcomes submissions of original papers on all aspects of informatics and related fields ranging from new concepts and theoretical developments to advanced technologies and innovative applications. Paper acceptance and publication will be judged on the basis of their relevance to the conference topics, clarity of presentation, originality and accuracy of the results and proposed solutions. The presentation has to include also a practical application. The conference will include regular presentations (20 min.), short IT Companies presentations and a round table. Download - Call for papers

Activitati Noaptea Cercetatorilor 2021 Vineri 24 Septembrie 2021

Conferinţa naţională de informatică pentru elevi - Programare, Comunicare, Imaginaţie, Design (PCID)
10 Aprilie 2021, SIBIU

Scopul conferinţei este de a reuni elevi din toate liceele din ţară pentru a prezenta şi a discuta rezultate originale obţinute în cadrul următoarelor teme de interes (fără a restrânge aria tematică la acestea): Structuri de date în aplicaţii software; Metode de compresie a datelor; Algoritmi de sortare: metode şi aplicaţii; Software educaţional; Teoria grafurilor în probleme şi aplicaţii; Criptografie; Securitatea sistemelor informatice; Dezvoltarea aplicaţiilor cu baze de date; Procesarea imaginilor; Proiectarea şi implementarea site-urilor Web; Aplicaţii multimedia în educaţie, divertisment; Aplicaţii software pentru dispozitive mobile; Tehnici de programare; Managementul proiectelor informatice.

Advanced Topics and Challenges in IT Research - Conferences Series

February 11, 2021, at 18:00
Research Center in Informatics and Information Technology
Str.Dr. I. Ratiu 5-7

You are invited to attend the conference Mathematical Models in Epidemiology. Simulations, Presented by: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Amelia Bucur, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu. The conference will be held online on February 11, 2021, starting at 18:00 o'clock. The presentation language: Romanian or English, according to the auditorium requirements. Everyone interested in attending the conference presentations is kindly asked to fill in and submit the online Attendance Form. A few hours before conference start all registered participants will receive by email the corresponding Google Meet link.


Activitati Noaptea Cercetatorilor 2020 Vineri 27 Noiembrie 2020

Seventh International Conference on Modelling and Development of Intelligent Systems - MDIS. Sibiu, Romania, October 22 - 24, 2020

The aim of the conference is to bring together computer scientists, mathematicians, researchers and students interested in the topics of the conference. The conference welcomes submissions of original papers on all aspects of modelling and development of intelligent systems ranging from concepts and theoretical developments to advanced technologies and innovative applications. http://sites.conferences.ulbsibiu.ro/mdis/2020.

International Conference on Applied Informatics Imagination, Creativity, Design, Development - ICDD, Sibiu
October, 8 - 10, 2020

The conference is mainly addressed to young researchers from all over the world. The conference gives the participants the opportunity to discuss and present their research on informatics and related fields (like computational algebra, numerical calculus, bioinformatics, etc.). The conference welcomes submissions of original papers on all aspects of informatics and related fields ranging from new concepts and theoretical developments to advanced technologies and innovative applications. Paper acceptance and publication will be judged on the basis of their relevance to the conference topics, clarity of presentation, originality and accuracy of the results and proposed solutions. The presentation has to include also a practical application. The conference will include regular presentations (20 min.), short IT Companies presentations and a round table. Download - Call for papers

Conferinţa naţională de informatică pentru elevi - Programare, Comunicare, Imaginaţie, Design (PCID)
11 Aprilie 2020, SIBIU

Scopul conferinţei este de a reuni elevi din toate liceele din ţară pentru a prezenta şi a discuta rezultate originale obţinute în cadrul următoarelor teme de interes (fără a restrânge aria tematică la acestea): Structuri de date în aplicaţii software; Metode de compresie a datelor; Algoritmi de sortare: metode şi aplicaţii; Software educaţional; Teoria grafurilor în probleme şi aplicaţii; Criptografie; Securitatea sistemelor informatice; Dezvoltarea aplicaţiilor cu baze de date; Procesarea imaginilor; Proiectarea şi implementarea site-urilor Web; Aplicaţii multimedia în educaţie, divertisment; Aplicaţii software pentru dispozitive mobile; Tehnici de programare; Managementul proiectelor informatice.

Advanced Topics and Challenges in IT Research – Conferences Series

March 5, 2020, at 18:00
Research Center in Informatics and Information Technology
Str.Dr. I. Ratiu 5-7

You are invited to attend the conference Mathematical approach of spatio-temporal modeling of meteorological time series, Presented by: Assoc. Prof. Alina Barbulescu, Univ. Ovidius, Constan?a, Romania. The conference will be held on March 5, 2020, starting at 18:00 o'clock, in room A26, Faculty of Sciences, Str. Ratio 3-5. The presentation language: Romanian or English, according to the auditorium requirements.

Advanced Topics and Challenges in IT Research – Conferences Series

February 20, 2020, at 14:00
Research Center in Informatics and Information Technology
Str.Dr. I. Ratiu 5-7

You are invited to attend the conference New Trends in Semantic Search, Presented by: Prof. Dr. Dana Simian, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu. The conference will be held on February 20, 2020, starting at 14:00 o'clock, in room A26, Faculty of Sciences, Str. Ratio 3-5. The presentation language: Romanian or English, according to the auditorium requirements.

Advanced Topics and Challenges in IT Research – Conferences Series

February 6, 2020, at 10:40
Research Center in Informatics and Information Technology
Str.Dr. I. Ratiu 5-7

You are invited to attend the conference Authentication Systems Based on Particular Mathematical Models. Optimal Subspaces Study for Fields Defined over NonSuperSingular Elliptic Curves, Presented by the invited speaker: Assoc. Prof. Nicolae Constantinescu, University of Craiova, Romania. The conference will be held on February 6, 2020, starting at 10:40, in room A26, Faculty of Sciences, Str. Ratio 3-5. The presentation language: Romanian or English, according to the auditorium requirements.


Conferinţa naţională de informatică pentru elevi - Programare, Comunicare, Imaginaţie, Design (PCID)
13 Aprilie 2019, SIBIU

Scopul conferinţei este de a reuni elevi din toate liceele din ţară pentru a prezenta şi a discuta rezultate originale obţinute în cadrul următoarelor teme de interes (fără a restrânge aria tematică la acestea): Structuri de date în aplicaţii software; Metode de compresie a datelor; Algoritmi de sortare: metode şi aplicaţii; Software educaţional; Teoria grafurilor în probleme şi aplicaţii; Criptografie; Securitatea sistemelor informatice; Dezvoltarea aplicaţiilor cu baze de date; Procesarea imaginilor; Proiectarea şi implementarea site-urilor Web; Aplicaţii multimedia în educaţie, divertisment; Aplicaţii software pentru dispozitive mobile; Tehnici de programare; Managementul proiectelor informatice.

International Conference on Applied Informatics Imagination, Creativity, Design, Development - ICDD, Sibiu
May, 16 - 18, 2019

The conference is addressed to bachelor and master level students. Conference aim is to bring together students from different universities from all over the world to discuss and present their researches on informatics and related fields (like computational algebra, numerical calculus, bioinformatics, etc,) and their results. The presentation should include also an application. Pure theoretical results are accepted only if they introduce new concepts.

Sixth International Conference on Modelling and Development of Intelligent Systems - MDIS. Sibiu, Romania, October 3 - 5, 2019

The aim of the conference is to bring together computer scientists, mathematicians, researchers, students, interested in the topics of the conference and working in fields which can be connected with modelling and development of intelligent systems http://sites.conferences.ulbsibiu.ro/mdis/2019.


Conferinţa naţională de informatică pentru elevi - Programare, Comunicare, Imaginaţie, Design (PCID)
24 Martie 2018, SIBIU

Scopul conferinţei este de a reuni elevi din toate liceele din ţară pentru a prezenta şi a discuta rezultate originale obţinute în cadrul următoarelor teme de interes (fără a restrânge aria tematică la acestea): Structuri de date în aplicaţii software; Metode de compresie a datelor; Algoritmi de sortare: metode şi aplicaţii; Software educaţional; Teoria grafurilor în probleme şi aplicaţii; Criptografie; Securitatea sistemelor informatice; Dezvoltarea aplicaţiilor cu baze de date; Procesarea imaginilor; Proiectarea şi implementarea site-urilor Web; Aplicaţii multimedia în educaţie, divertisment; Aplicaţii software pentru dispozitive mobile; Tehnici de programare; Managementul proiectelor informatice.

International Conference on Applied Informatics Imagination, Creativity, Design, Development - ICDD, Sibiu
May, 17 - 19, 2018

The conference is addressed to bachelor and master level students. Conference aim is to bring together students from different universities from all over the world to discuss and present their researches on informatics and related fields (like computational algebra, numerical calculus, bioinformatics, etc,) and their results. The presentation should include also an application. Pure theoretical results are accepted only if they introduce new concepts.


Fifth International Conference on Modelling and Development of Intelligent Systems - MDIS. Sibiu, Romania, June 23 - 25, 2017

The aim of the conference is to bring together computer scientists, mathematicians, researchers, students, interested in the topics of the conference and working in fields which can be connected with modelling and development of intelligent systems http://sites.conferences.ulbsibiu.ro/mdis/2017.

International Conference on Applied Informatics Imagination, Creativity, Design, Development - ICDD, Sibiu,
May, 25 - 27, 2017

The conference is addressed to bachelor and master level students. Conference aim is to bring together students from different universities from all over the world to discuss and present their researches on informatics and related fields (like computational algebra, numerical calculus, bioinformatics, etc,) and their results. The presentation should include also an application. Pure theoretical results are accepted only if they introduce new concepts.

Conferinţa naţională de informatică pentru elevi - Programare, Comunicare, Imaginaţie, Design (PCID)
1 Aprilie 2017, SIBIU

Scopul conferinţei este de a reuni elevi din toate liceele din ţară pentru a prezenta şi a discuta rezultate originale obţinute în cadrul următoarelor teme de interes (fără a restrânge aria tematică la acestea): Structuri de date în aplicaţii software; Metode de compresie a datelor; Algoritmi de sortare: metode şi aplicaţii; Software educaţional; Teoria grafurilor în probleme şi aplicaţii; Criptografie; Securitatea sistemelor informatice; Dezvoltarea aplicaţiilor cu baze de date; Procesarea imaginilor; Proiectarea şi implementarea site-urilor Web; Aplicaţii multimedia în educaţie, divertisment; Aplicaţii software pentru dispozitive mobile; Tehnici de programare; Managementul proiectelor informatice.


Sixth International Students Conference on Informatics - ICDD, Sibiu,
May 21, 2016

The conference is addressed to bachelor and master level students. Conference aim is to bring together students from different universities from all over the world to discuss and present their researches on informatics and related fields (like computational algebra, numerical calculus, bioinformatics, etc,) and their results. The presentation should include also an application. Pure theoretical results are accepted only if they introduce new concepts.

Conferinţa naţională de informatică pentru elevi - Programare, Comunicare, Imaginaţie, Design (PCID)
2 Aprilie 2016, SIBIU

Scopul conferinţei este de a reuni elevi din toate liceele din ţară pentru a prezenta şi a discuta rezultate originale obţinute în cadrul următoarelor teme de interes (fără a restrânge aria tematică la acestea): Structuri de date în aplicaţii software; Metode de compresie a datelor; Algoritmi de sortare: metode şi aplicaţii; Software educaţional; Teoria grafurilor în probleme şi aplicaţii; Criptografie; Securitatea sistemelor informatice; Dezvoltarea aplicaţiilor cu baze de date; Procesarea imaginilor; Proiectarea şi implementarea site-urilor Web; Aplicaţii multimedia în educaţie, divertisment; Aplicaţii software pentru dispozitive mobile; Tehnici de programare; Managementul proiectelor informatice.


Fifth International Students Conference on Informatics - ICDD, Sibiu,
May, 21 - 23, 2015

The conference is addressed to bachelor and master level students. Conference aim is to bring together students from different universities from all over the world to discuss and present their researches on informatics and related fields (like computational algebra, numerical calculus, bioinformatics, etc,) and their results. The presentation should include also an application. Pure theoretical results are accepted only if they introduce new concepts.

Conferinţa naţională de informatică pentru elevi - Programare, Comunicare, Imaginaţie, Design (PCID)
28 Martie 2015, SIBIU

Scopul conferinţei este de a reuni elevi din toate liceele din ţară pentru a prezenta şi a discuta rezultate originale obţinute în cadrul următoarelor teme de interes (fără a restrânge aria tematică la acestea): Structuri de date în aplicaţii software; Metode de compresie a datelor; Algoritmi de sortare: metode şi aplicaţii; Software educaţional; Teoria grafurilor în probleme şi aplicaţii; Criptografie; Securitatea sistemelor informatice; Dezvoltarea aplicaţiilor cu baze de date; Procesarea imaginilor; Proiectarea şi implementarea site-urilor Web; Aplicaţii multimedia în educaţie, divertisment; Aplicaţii software pentru dispozitive mobile; Tehnici de programare; Managementul proiectelor informatice.

Fourth International Conference on Modelling and Development of Intelligent Systems - MDIS. Sibiu, Romania, October 28 - November 1, 2015

The aim of the conference is to bring together computer scientists, mathematicians, researchers, students, interested in the topics of the conference and working in fields which can be connected with modelling and development of intelligent systems http://sites.conferences.ulbsibiu.ro/mdis/2015.


Fourth International Students Conference on Informatics - ICDD, Sibiu,
May, 15 - 17, 2014

The conference is addressed to bachelor and master level students. Conference aim is to bring together students from different universities from all over the world to discuss and present their researches on informatics and related fields (like computational algebra, numerical calculus, bioinformatics, etc,) and their results. The presentation should include also an application.


Third International Conference on Modelling and Development of Intelligent Systems - MDIS. Sibiu, Romania, 10-12 October, 2013

The aim of the conference is to bring together computer scientists, mathematicians, researchers, students, interested in the topics of the conference and working in fields which can be connected with modelling and development of intelligent systems http://sites.conferences.ulbsibiu.ro/mdis.
Organized by the Informatics Team, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, University “Lucian Blaga” of Sibiu, Romania. Chairman: Prof. Ph.D. Dana Simian

Third International Students Conference on Informatics - ICDD, Sibiu, May, 16 - 18, 2013

The conference is addressed to bachelor and master level students. Conference aim is to bring together students from different universities from all over the world to discuss and present their researches on informatics and related fields (like computational algebra, numerical calculus, bioinformatics, etc,) and their results. The presentation should include also an application. Pure theoretical results are accepted only if they introduce new concepts.


Second International Students Conference on Informatics - ICDD, Sibiu, April, 26 - 28, 2012

The conference is addressed to bachelor and master level students. Conference aim is to bring together students from different universities from all over the world to discuss and present their researches on informatics and related fields (like computational algebra, numerical calculus, bioinformatics, etc,) and their results. The presentation should include also an application. Pure theoretical results are accepted only if they introduce new concepts.


Second International Conference on Modelling and Development of Intelligent Systems - MDIS. Sibiu, Romania, September 29 - October 02, 2011

The aim of the conference is to bring together computer scientists, mathematicians, researchers, students, interested in the topics of the conference and working in fields which can be connected with modelling and development of intelligent systems http://sites.conferences.ulbsibiu.ro/mdis.
Organized by the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, University “Lucian Blaga” of Sibiu, Romania. Chairman of the organizing committee: Prof. Ph.D. Dana Simian

Conferinţa internaţională a studentilor - ICDD 7-9 aprilie 2011

Scopul conferinţei este de a reuni studenţi din întreaga lume pentru a prezenta şi a discuta rezultate originale obţinute în toate ariile tematice ale domeniului informatică: informatică teoretică, algoritmică, proiectarea şi construirea de software, trimiterea datelor prin reţele, noi abordari în probleme de securitate, detalii...


Multiconference CSCC, Conference on Computers, SPECIAL SESSION. Corfu Island, Greece July 23-25, 2010

Advanced Computational Techniques, Algorithms and Numerical Methods for Modelling, Simulation and Optimization within the 14th Int. Conf. on COMPUTERS, Special Session Chairman: Ph.D. Prof. Dana Simian detalii...

International Workshop "Advanced Topics on Computer Science", 14 -15 May, Sibiu 2010

The aim of the workshop is to bring together computer scientists, mathematicians, researchers, engeneers, students, for discussing advanced topics in computer sciences.

Sesiunea de comunicari a studentilor - ICDD 23-24 aprilie 2010

Scopul sesiunii de comunicari este de a reuni studenţi din toate centrele universitare din ţară pentru a prezenta şi a discuta rezultate originale obţinute în toate ariile tematice ale domeniului informatică: informatică teoretică, algoritmică, proiectarea şi construirea de software, trimiterea datelor prin reţele sau noi abordari în probleme de securitate, etc. Sesiunea de comunicări include şi o secţiune specială pentru elevii de liceu.


First International Conference on Modelling and Development of Intelligent Systems - MDIS. Sibiu, Romania October 22-25, 2009

Organized by the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, University “Lucian Blaga” of Sibiu, Romania http://sites.conferences.ulbsibiu.ro/mdis
Honorary President Prof. Ph.D. Constantin Oprean, rector of the University
Chairman of the organizing committee Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Dana Simian

Sesiunea de comunicari a studentilor ICDD 10-11 Aprilie, 2009

Imaginatie, Creativitate, Design, Dezvoltare Advanced - ICDD. Scopul sesiunii de comunicari este de a reuni studenti din toate centrele universitare din tara pentru a prezenta si a discuta rezultate originale obtinute în toate ariile tematice ale domeniului informatica: informatica teoretica, algoritmica, proiectarea si construirea de software, trimiterea datelor prin retele sau noi abordari în probleme de securitate, etc. detalii...

SPECIAL SESSION. Rodos (Rhodes) Island, Greece July 22-25, 2009

Advanced Computational Techniques, Algorithms and Numerical Methods for Modelling, Simulation and Optimization within the 13th Int. Conf. on COMPUTERS, Special Session Chairman: Conf. dr. Dana Simian detalii...

Plenary Lecture Conf. dr. Dana Simian, International Conference. Prague, Czech Republic, March 23-25, 2009

10th International Conference on MATHEMATICS & COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY & CHEMISTRY (MCBC '09)
Advanced Classification and Regression Algorithms, by Prof. Dana Simian, University Lucian Blaga of Sibiu, ROMANIA. http://www.wseas.org/conferences/2009/prague/mcbc/index.html


SPECIAL SESSION. Bucharest, Romania, November 7-8, 2008

Bucharest, Romania, November 7-9, 2008. Organizator: Conf. dr. Dana Simian detalii...

International Workshop. Sibiu, Romania, October 1-5, 2008

New Trends In Approximation, Optimization And Classification. This workshop benefits from founding of the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research grant, cod CNCSIS 33/2007. Organizator: Conf. dr. Dana Simian detalii...

International Conference on COMPUTERS - Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece Julie 23-25, 2008

Advanced Computational Techniques, Algorithms and Numerical Methods for Modelling, Simulation and Optimization - within the 12th International Conference on COMPUTERS. Organizator: Conf. dr. Dana Simian detalii...

International Conference on EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTING - Sofia, Bulgaria Mai 2-4, 2008

Applications Of Evolutionary Computing In Modelling And Development Of Inteligent Systems - within the 9th International Conference on EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTING (EC '08), Organizator: Conf. dr. Dana Simian detalii...

Numerical Methods and Advanced Computational Techniques for Modeling, Simulation and Optimization

în cadrul: 8th International Conference on MATHEMATICAL METHODS AND COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (MMACTEE '06), Bucharest, Romania, October 16-18, 2006 http://www.worldses.org/conferences/2006/romania/mmactee Organizator: Conf.univ.dr. Dana Simian.


Advanced Computational Techniques, Algorithms and Numerical Methods  for Modelling, Simulation and Optimization

Within the 11th Int. Conf. on COMPUTERS (July 26-28, 2007) Crete Island, Greece http://www.wseas.org/conferences/2007/greece/iccomp Organizator: Conf.univ.dr. Dana Simian.

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