Monday, 15 OCT 2021
Monday, 10 FEB 2020
Faculty of Sciences in Room A27
The Research Center in Mathematics and Applications is part of the Faculty of Sciences of the „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu. The research activities of RCMA encompass a broad range of areas, including functional analysis, topology, fractal theory, ergodic theory, applied analysis, numerical analysis, and aproximation theory. Ongoing activities include lecture, workshops, conferences, research seminars, a visitor program, and a doctoral program.
RCMA conducts research and investigation in the field of pure mathematics and investigation in the field of applied mathematics and consists of researchers on the Lucian Blaga University, associated scientists, doctoral fellows, visiting scientists, and students.
Înscrieri: 01 Ianuarie 2025 -01 mai 2025. Sesiune dedicată - 35 de ani de Invăţământ Universitar Matematic din Sibiu